Youth Ministries and Confirmation Program

"M&M's" Middle School Youth group

This is our Middle School Parish Youth Group. The main focus of this group is to help students establish a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and our Catholic community. This is done through two, community-building activities a month:

Study Break's are held on our parish campus and include games, snacks, and topical discussion. Break Out's are events held off campus and include movie nights, retreats, trolley parties and pizza nights. Please see our monthly newsletter for more information. This group is open to ALL middle school students from ANY school.

Required - Field Trip Permission form

El Camino-High School Confirmation Program

Grades 9-12

El Camino is our Parish High School Confirmation Program. This is a two-year preparation process. Its many components include large and small group sessions, retreats, games, art, liturgical celebrations, parish service and three urban plunge service events in Seattle, Los Angeles and San Francisco.

An emphasis is placed on understanding the past, living the present and planning for the future as members of the Catholic Church.

Sessions are held twice a month from 11:00-12:30 a.m. following the 10:00 a.m. Sunday Mass.

*Sessions are held Fall through Spring. with optional camps, conferences and retreats throughout the summer.

*Open Registration for our 2024/2025 year will start in July 2024.

To be added to our mailing list for registration and summer events, please contact - Sarah Mack, Youth/Young Adult Minister and Confirmation Coordinator email: or call 805-969-6868 rectory or 805-574-9941 cell


Confirmation Registration Forms

You may bring completed forms to the Rectory office Monday-Friday 9-Noon and 1:30 to 5:00pm. You may also scan and email completed forms to me at

"CORE" High School Leadership Team

"CORE" is our High School Leadership Team. This group meets regularly for bowling nights, retreats, leadership training and movie nights. Core Students are also given the chance to plan and assist with Confirmation sessions; youth group events and our “Urban Plunge” service retreats. Students may earn up to 100 school community service hours per year!

YA-Young Adult Ministry

We meet monthly to develop our Catholic identity and strengthen relationships with Christ, with one another, and with the wider Catholic community. In spring, we offer Theology on Tap with regional speakers including Bishop Robert Barron. We work in partnership with the Los Angeles YAD and the many Catholic Churches in the Santa Barbara Region.

Open to Young Adults ages 21-39 in all parishes - bring a friend!

*"Westmont Outreach" and "SBCC Outreach" We are here to support our Catholic students who are attending Westmont College and SBCC. "Mass Transit" aka rides to Mass, campus visits, spiritual guidance and College Internships are always available.


FOLLOW US ON Facebook at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Youth/Young Adult Ministry or on Instagram at OLMCYM Or on Twitter at Sarah@olmcsb93108

Youth Ministry on Facebook 

Dear Parents and Families:

My name is Sarah Mack and I am the Youth Minister and Confirmation Coordinator at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish Church. I am married to Justin Mack and we have been blessed with two sons, Zachary and Elijah. My husband and I have been working in youth ministry for over seventeen years, in our hometown of Santa Barbara, and also in the Mojave Desert and Seattle, WA.

I graduated with a degree in Criminal Justice and in Global /Urban Ministry and have served on director's boards for international youth conferences and many regional retreats. I also speak to students at our local pubic and private schools on topics such as Marriage, Chastity and Self Esteem.

My goal at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish is to create a place where our youth can "Belong, Believe, and Become". Through a variety of programs, events and outreach, we seek to draw young people into responsible, lifelong participation in the work and mission the Roman Catholic Church.

If you have any questions or if your would like to join our mailing list, please feel free to contact me at the Office of Religious Education.  

Blessings and Peace,
Sarah J. Mack
Youth Minister/Confirmation Coordinator

805-969-6868 Rectory
805-574-9941 Cell


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